Job Interview Package
1:1 face to face time of 2 hours
45 minutes meeting to discuss upcoming interview and key competencies you will get probed on
Preparation of your 'stories' or past examples to prepare for the likely questions
You will receive copies of preparation cheat sheets inlcuding an inventory of comptency questions, and best/worst ways to respond
I will then prepare a 6 to 8 question interview guide highly related to the role you are interviewing and set up a second online meeting for 1 hour and 15 minutes
At the second meeting I will advise you on the importance of presence, eye contact, and brain hack tricks to calm the nerves, for excellence in delivery
If your interview will be online, I will provide tips and tricks about your background, lighting, distance from your camera, and eye contact
I will then interview you question by question, and each time we will debrief, so you continue to improve your performance each and every subsequent question
With your permission, I will video record the session and send you a Zoom or Teams recording for you to analyse further, save, retain, and use as a training tool for all future interviews
These sessions will be set up via Zoom or Teams. As interviews are often scheduled with a few days notice, I will be flexible to ensure you are prepared by also making myself available outside of business hours.
Please contact me on or 0422 001 955 once this product is purchased so I can set up these urgent times with you.
Emailing me the actual job description your are interviewing for, is highly recommended to simulate the experience almost as if I'm the hiring manager.
If you are familiar with competency stories, and just want to have a trial interview with me, you can alternatively choose the 90 minute session product option and send me the job description prior to our simulated interview.