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Executive Coaching 

The market is littered with over-priced  coaches without senior executive experience and few hours of coaching behind them.


My experience is not only at "Head of", "National Manager", or "Director" level, but "Group Executive" at an ASX listed company. Furthermore, I have over 7,000 hours of coaching, mid, senior and C-Suite level clients. I am a Level 1 Accredited Executive Coach through the Australian Institute of Leadership and Executive Coaching, but most importantly I work with the best diagnostic tools I have ever came across in my 25 years as an HR Executive.


My diagnostic tool accreditation includes Barrett Values Assessments for individuals and organisations and culture change projects, the i4 Neuroleader 360 Degree assessment tool, and "Facilitating Deep Transformation" for Leaders Ice-Berg Coaching and Facilitated Workshops. 

Unlike most executive coaches, I am proud to detail exactly how I work through the transformational journey for each client, the structure and numbers of meetings, and the price. I've nothing to hide, and a limited time left on this earth to live my value of helping others reach their true potential - for a fair price - not an 'out-of-reach' price for many developing executives and their organisations.  

Below is a summary of the structure of the two programs I run, and you can click on the link below for the full 17 page step-by-step approach to demystify coaching for all professionals, and how it works. 


My approach is to bring structure, discipline and diagnostic tools that build that awareness for the coachee to see things they were not aware of, or partially, or chose to ignore, which is blocking their future growth. 

Accountability is key, and having the line manager of the coachee involved in the process at the front, and end point, is  critical for that Return on Investment for all parties. 

Contact me on 0422 001 955 or to set up an obligation free discussion about my services. 

After reviewing my executive coaching services, you can request commencement and invoicing, or alternatively both programs can be purchased conveniently on my Product Page as follows: 

Coaching to Action Executive Coaching

Coaching to Results Executive Coaching 

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